Preventive Medicine Associates, PLLC


Preventive Medicine Associates, PLLC


By- admin | Nov 1, 2022 | No Commets


I am on a mission. A mission to drag you and your medical provider into the 22 Century. There are simple, inexpensive blood tests you should have done that are not getting ordered routinely and they are much more important than your blood type , your cholesterol , your blood glucose etc. The two tests are your insulin level, done fasting, and your omega 3:6 ratio.

Although vital for life, excess insulin is linked to pretty much every inflammatory process in your body from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer to dementia. Those of you who follow Dr Peter Atia know that he believes this is the most important blood test you can do to assess your current health and it’s the best marker to predict your future health. Dr Gundry believes the same thing. Your insulin level will be abnormal years and years before your blood sugar or HAIC ( a marker of diabetic control) levels are abnormal. It’s a simple blood draw and when combined with your blood sugar you can calculate your insulin resistance. The lower your insulin and the lower your insulin resistance the better your health. I do this test all the time on my patients and I never get blowback from the insurance companies .Tell your doctor to use the codes for insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome.

Just as important in my metabolic book is the Omega 3:6 ratio. To grossly oversimplify the Omega 3 essential fatty acids DHA and EPA are key ingredients to every cell membrane in the body. The Standard American DIet is so low in these essential fatty acids that we have to supplement if we want to get sufficient levels in our bodies. Anthropologists have speculated that it may be that Homo Sapiens beat out Neadethals because we lived mostly in coastal areas, ate more fish which contain abundant EPA and DHA and therefore grew bigger brains and outcompeted the Neanderthals. I wasn’t there so it’s only a theory but it seems plausible and attests to the importance of these nutrients in the brain and the body. Here is a general reference about the vital role these fatty acids play in our body. PMID=22332096. Just type that number into your search bar and the article will pop up.

So, these essential fatty acids play a critical role in cell membrane function and involve every cell in your body and luckily can be measured by the lab and impacted by our diets and supplementation. Historically , we are supposed to have a one to one ratio of the healthy anti inflammatory omega 3’s to the inflammatory omega 6’s. Omega 6 fats are found in fried food and in almost all the seed oils like canola, corn, sunflower etc. You need both omega 3 and omega 6 but just like a good cake recipe there is the proper ratio for these fatty acids. So ideally we should have a 1:1 ratio but with the modern American diet which is low in Omega 3 and high in Omega 6 many people have a 10:1 ratio or a 20:1 ratio. This altered ratio is a disaster for the function of the cell membranes and therefore for your health. Two proponents of measuring Omega 3 / 6 ratios are Dr Chris Knobbe and Dr Paul Mason both of whom have great Youtube videos on this issue. Dr William Harris is probably the world expert on Omega 3 and he focuses on just the Omega 3 level. Best health outcomes are with an Omega 3 level above 8. Worse health outcomes are with an Omega 3 level of less than 4. In between is a work in progress.

Preventive Medicine Associates, PLLC
Preventive Medicine Associates, PLLC
Preventive Medicine Associates, PLLC
Preventive Medicine Associates, PLLC
Preventive Medicine Associates, PLLC
Preventive Medicine Associates, PLLC
Preventive Medicine Associates, PLLC
Preventive Medicine Associates, PLLC

One of my functions at my office is to work with my Nurse Practitioners to help them understand these fundamental metrics of your health as these are still not really covered in their schooling nor is it really covered in medical school. I have shared with them articles that detail the importance of Omega 3’s and the right ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6. This article focuses on the Omega 3 levels and risk for heart disease. The lower the Omega 3 level the higher the risk for heart disease. PMID =20551373.

This article discusses a correlation between the Omega 3 level and Telomere length. Telomeres are found at the ends of your chromosomes and the longer the telomere the longer your life expectancy. Higher Omega 3 levels are associated with longer Telomere length. PMID= 35189049. This article correlates Omega 3 levels with brain MRI scans showing inflammatory changes. The higher the Omega 3 levels the less inflammation of the brain. Inflammation equals dementia. PMID = .22371413.

Finally here is an article that evaluates the Omega 3 levels in 42,400 patients. The higher the Omega 3 the lower the all cause mortality. That’s all cause mortality and it’s pretty impressive. PMID=33888689.

So, work with your provider to get these labs ordered. You can follow your Omega 3 level, you can follow your Omega 3:6 ratio and you can follow your insulin and insulin resistance. These are vital signs for your metabolic status. These are not expensive labs and I use them over and over to measure whether patients are working on their diets. It’s not just about measuring your weight.

Ok, I have told you that Omega 3 is good and high insulin levels are bad. Let me translate that for you. Lower your carbohydrates to lower your insulin. To improve your Omega 3:6 ratio stop using most commercial salad dressings and cut down the fried food. As importantly, to improve your Omega 3 level, get more fish and nuts in your diet. However, if you want to get your Omega 3 level really in the right range you need to supplement with fish oil , krill oil or my favorite….Carlson’s Lab Cod Liver Oil in Glass with Lemon Flavor. This is not your grandma’s cod liver oil. This is really quite palatable and will greatly improve your Omega 3 level and your Omega 3:6 ratio. Try it for yourself and see. Get your numbers measured. Take action and remeasure.

This isn’t just about improving numbers on a piece of paper. I am convinced that if you lower your insulin level and raise your Omega 3 level you will feel better. Why not see for yourself?

Until next month….get well and stay well


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